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EFT Group Online Mentoring 2025

Suitable for:

  • Those who have completed at least EFT Level 2 EFT International trainees who need to fulfill their minimum of 6 hours of mentoring (used to be called supervision) before qualifying as a practitioner EFT International 
  • Practitioners who need to fulfill their minimum of 6 hours per year mentoring requirements 
  • Those who wish to keep EFT alive in their lives

Mentoring Cancellations or Changes in Dates 

  • 100% up to a month before the workshop 
  • 75% from a month to 3 weeks before the workshop 
  • 50% from 3 weeks to 2 weeks before the workshop 
  • 25% from 2 weeks to 1 week before the workshop 
  • 0% if cancelled within 1 week of the workshop
  • If there is a need to change dates, this is possible up to 2 weeks before the mentoring date and will incur a £5 admin fee

Select Date & Time


20 February 2025 Thursday, 10:00 AM GMT

All spots for this schedule have been booked now. Try another schedule.

Possible topics of discussion during the mentoring:

Learn one new way of using EFT 
Review and refresh EFT skills 
General Q&A on using EFT on yourself and others 
Discussion and tapping on issues coming up with your clients
Blocks to becoming or being a practitioner

What Our Mentees Say

Mentoring sessions with Tamara are always a wonderful, expansive experience in which everyone feels safe to share their experiences, questions, and hopes.  She strikes a perfect balance between sharing the depth and breadth of her experience and allowing the group to support each other with their contributions.  She is a deeply kind and just all-around lovely human being.  As a practitioner based in the U.S. who is always on the early end of the schedule, I only wish I could attend more of these throughout the year!”, Wendy Frado, Life coach and EFT Practitioner based in Los Angeles

 “I just wanted to thank everyone at the mentoring session today, The session really resonated with me and I got a lot from everyone. Thank you Tamara for your continued advice and support. I have felt significant shifts all day, lots of things I have been holding on to that have been blocking me, I can’t quite believe the transformation in me. EFT is truly amazing and it is lovely to feel part of an amazing community. “, Davinia Badham  

I am so so grateful for our EFT family. Having trained with other organisations, I can’t tell you what a supportive family you have created and how wonderful and safe this feels. It’s very special “,  Beth Carboni  

“Thanks so much for the session earlier this week. I really appreciated how you both held the group, your attention to detail and timings and the support you both offered. It felt a very clear and supportive space.”, Hannah Currant

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EFT Online Mentoring


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